Msgr. Richard Garland O’Neill

Pastors / Rectors
Family History:
Born in Lexington, Ky., October 31, 1902
Parents: Patrick Joseph & Catherine Garland O’Neill
Brothers: Paul Joseph, Frank W. O’Neill, Patrick
Sisters: Mary Catherine, Ann Elizabeth, Rose, Sarah
St. Paul School, Lexington, Ky.
St. Meinrad College, St. Meinrad, In.
St. Gregory Seminary, Mt. Washington, Ohio
St. Mary Seminary, Norwood, Ohio
Ordained: June 2, 1928 St. Mary Cathedral, Covington, KY by Bishop Howard
FIRST SOLEMN MASS: June 3, 1928 St. Paul Church, Lexington, KY
Assistant Pastorates June 1928 – August, 1945:
St. Joseph Parish, Cold Spring, Ky.
Administrator Protem Holy Guardian Angels Parish, Sandfordtown, Ky.
Administrator Protem St. Patrick Parish, Covington, Ky.
Blessed Sacrament Parish, South Fort Mitchell, Ky.
Holy Cross Parish, Latonia, Ky.
St. Anthony Parish, Bellevue, Ky.
Corpus Christi Parish, Newport, Ky.
St. John’s Orphanage, South Fort Mitchell, Ky.
Pastorate August, 1945 – July 21, 1973:
Christ the King Church, Lexington, Ky.
Chaplain: Our Lady of the Oaks Hospital, Lexington
St. Joseph Hospital, Lexington, Ky.
Celebrates First Mass in Christ the King Church, May 12, 1946
Construction of Christ the King School and Convent
School and Convent Completed September, 1951
Sisters of Divine Providence staff school & classes start September 1951
Father O’Neill observes the 25th anniversary of his ordination April 23, 1962
Rt. Rev. Msgr. O’Neill elevated to the rank of domestic prelate November, 1965
Construction of present church and rectory completed and dedicated May, 1967
Msgr. O’Neill retires from Christ the King parish June 1, 1968
Portrait of Msgr. O’Neill, by William Walsh is unveiled December 14, 1969
Msgr. O’Neill dies in his residence at age 70 July 21, 1973
Christ the King Altar Society raises $15,000.00 for Christ the King main entrance
window as a memorial to Msgr. Neill October 14, 1973